Outreach in Music 神戸女学院大学 音楽学部 Japanese
Outline/Processes Merits/Organization Effectiveness/Future Plans Activity Record

Adopted as a “Good Practice” in 2005 by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

  • Provide primary/junior high school children with pleasant musical experiences
  • Hold concerts at hospitals and museums with music programs matching the season or exhibition theme
  • Stage a children’s concert series (Enjoy Concerts with Children!)
  • We aim to play music at various social venues to energize both the region and university life.

For inquiries, contact the Outreach Center, School of Music, Kobe College
4-1, Okadayama Nishinomiya-shi 662-8505
Phone & Fax: 0798-51-8584

The Outreach Center was opened on October 1, 2005
The School of Music at Kobe College celebrates the 100th anniversary of its establishment in 2006.
